Tulloch Developments Ltd. assisted with landing of this sub-sea fibre optic cable on the shore at Banff, Sandwick and Maywick.
- Contract Value: £285,000
- Contract Length: 7 Months
- Started: April 2007
- Client: Faroese Telecom
Project Description
A sub sea fibre optic cable was laid from mainland Scotland over landing in Orkney and Shetland then continuing to the Faroe Islands.
We assisted with landing of the cable on the shore at Banff, Sandwick and Maywick.
The cable was brought ashore in Sandwick, and then buried in a trench over the hill to Maywick where it went out to sea again. The track over the hill was 7KM long of mainly peat type ground.
We fabricated a unique 'mole plough' for ploughing the delicate fibre optic cable and 2-inch service duct through the hill, which worked with great success.